Pursuing Social Justice and the Muslim American Odyssey by Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour
We're blessed to have Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour speaking this week on 'Pursuing Social Justice and the Muslim American Odyssey.' Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour is a PhD student at Georgetown University and a graduate of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, where he studied traditional Islamic studies with a focus on fiqh, theology, and philosophy. Schedule: 7:00PM-8:15PM PST […]
Institutionalized Racism: Why are ethnic minorities criminally inclined?
A look at institutionalized racism, the school to prison pipeline, and what we can do as Muslims to better establish a just society. Schedule: 7:00PM-8:15pm Speech / Q&A by Seyed Ali Musawi Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87207663810?pwd=YVJJeHlhdS9SVkNHUDd6eTR1MzVrQT09 Meeting ID 872 0766 3810
A look at Community, Politics, Marriage, and Identity in America w/ Sayyid Hussain Razavi
In this week's interactive program, we will be joined by Sayyid Hussain Razavi from New Jersey. He and Seyed Ali will be having a frank discussion on 'Community, Politics, Marriage, and Identity in America.' Bio: Sayyid Hussain Razavi was born and raised in the New Jersey community where he attended Rutgers University and graduated […]
Independence – Illusion or Reality?
In this week's program, Seyed Ali will be going over what it means to be independent from an Islamic perspective. Are we truly independent in our lives? How did Imam Ridha maintain independence in a world that tried to imprison and hold him back? Schedule: 7:00-8:20 PM: Speech / Q&A Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89222551020?pwd=M3lhNkVRVGljREFxZWc1bE1HUnN3Zz09 Meeting ID: […]
You’re Wrong! An Islamic Perspective on Discussions and Debate.
During this week's program, Seyed Ali will be going over some of the common mistakes we make when discussing issues with others. How should we approach others when we want to get a point across? How did the Prophet (s) and his Ahlul Bayt (a) approach others? Join us this week to learn more about […]
The Quran: A look into its structure and purpose
In this week's program, we will be looking into the structure of the Quran, how it was compiled, and how Muslims implement the teaching. Schedule: 7:00-8:20pm: Speech / Q&A Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84999837441?pwd=TWhMaUFXWGhocWlEL3VPNW1QZ3l4QT09 Meeting ID: 849 9983 7441 Password: 724620
The Quran: A look into its structure and purpose Pt 2
In continuation of last week's program, Sayed Ali will be discussing the structure of the Holy Quran, whether there were multiple versions of the Quran, and other important questions regarding our holy text. Schedule: 7:00-8:20 PM PST time : Speech by Seyed Ali / Q&A Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82585665138?pwd=SlBQY28yQnVTaXcvdjZObE9xNWp5UT09 Meeting Password: 866910 Meeting ID: 825 8566 […]
Sheikh Convos with Sheikh Nurudeen on Identity
In Episode 3 of our new interactive podcast, we will be joined by Sheikh Nurudeen Ali from Tampa Bay, Florida. He and Seyed Ali will be having a frank and in-depth discussion on Identity in the context of Muslims in the West. Bio: Sheikh Nurudeen was born and raised in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands […]
A Look at the World of Traditions/Hadiths
Noor Collective 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, San diegoIn this week's session, Seyed Ali will take a look at the history of how hadiths/traditions first came about, why traditions are given different levels of authenticity, and how we should approach them in the modern world, particularly when faced with the rampant misuse of traditions on social media. Schedule: 7:00-8:15PM PST time: Speech/Q&A Zoom […]
2020 Muharram Programs
Salam un Alaykum Our sincerest condolences on the arrival of month of Muharram and Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (as) and his companions. According to multiple moon-sighting reports tomorrow, Thursday, August 20th will be the first day of Muharrum al-Haraam 1442 AH. Unfortunately Noor Collective will not be holding any programs for the first ten nights […]