7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111

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Islamic Health Prescriptions- A look at Islam and Health Pt 2

Join us this Friday at 7pm PST as we continue our deep dive into the Islamic prescriptions of health... Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85016107896?pwd=N0hIOFZUaHhLK0tHMlBaaWExQXBmUT09 Meeting ID: 850 1610 7896 Passcode: 571355

Islamic Health Prescriptions- A look at Islam and Health Pt 3

Join us this Friday at 7pm PST as we continue our deep dive into the Islamic prescriptions of health... Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85016107896?pwd=N0hIOFZUaHhLK0tHMlBaaWExQXBmUT09 Meeting ID: 850 1610 7896 Passcode: 571355

Abul Fadhl- Abbas ibn Ali – The Manifestation of Lofty Virtues

Come join us this Friday at 7 PM PST as we take a deeper look into the life of Abul Fadhl al-Abbas, and go over the lofty virtues that made him into who was. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85016107896?pwd=N0hIOFZUaHhLK0tHMlBaaWExQXBmUT09 Meeting ID: 850 1610 7896 Passcode: 571355

Preparing For The Holy Month of Ramadan

Come join us this Friday at 7 PM PST as we prepare for the Holy Month of Ramadan! Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85016107896?pwd=N0hIOFZUaHhLK0tHMlBaaWExQXBmUT09 Meeting ID: 850 1610 7896 Passcode: 571355

Building a Beautiful Relationship with God! [In Person program]

Salam Alaykum, we're excited to announce our first in-person program at our new location: 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 (Google Maps link) Join us this Friday at 6:45pm sharp as we go over the important topic of how to build a beautiful relationship with Allah. Schedule: 6:45pm: Lecture by Seyed Ali Musawi […]

The Purpose of Life [in person program]

Join us on Friday at 6:45pm as Seyed Ali goes over the purpose of our lives. This will be at our new location: 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 https://goo.gl/maps/i2HTdSVmLKjW25XR8 Parking is available on the streets next to the building. Please Do NOT park in the complex. Schedule: 6:45pm: Lecture by Seyed Ali […]

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Join us on Friday at 6:45pm as Seyed Ali goes over why sometimes bad things happen to good people. This will be at our new location: 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 https://goo.gl/maps/i2HTdSVmLKjW25XR8 Parking is available on the streets next to the building. Please Do NOT park in the complex. Schedule: 6:45 PM: […]

No Program This Friday

Salam Alaykum, we will not be having a program this week. Inshallah, our next program will be on Friday June 2nd.

Islam and Gender Identity

Join us on Friday at 6:45pm as Seyed Ali goes over Gender Identity in Islam. This will be at our new location: 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 https://goo.gl/maps/i2HTdSVmLKjW25XR8 Street parking is preferred but if not available park inside the complex. Do not park with spots that have cones in front of them […]