7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111

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Only God Can Judge Me

When it comes to judgment in Islam, are we allowed to judge others or not? What are the limits when it comes to judging and what is the Quranic perspective on this issue? How can we better help ourselves in avoiding judging others in a negative way? Join us this week as we dive deep […]

Only God Can Judge Me Part 2

In this week's program, we will be continuing our discussion on judgment in Islam, the limits when it comes to judging and what is the Quranic perspective on this issue? How can we better help ourselves in avoiding judging others in a negative way? Schedule: 7:00PM PST: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87321607906?pwd=d1A5azJGU1pEMUtPR2pxM2RIeXZOQT09 […]

NO PROGRAM This Friday 7/23

Salam Alaykum everyone! We will not be having a program this Friday July 23rd. Inshallah our next program will be next Friday, July 30th

Ghadeer – The Eid of Love and Loyalty

This week, we will be discussing the Event of Ghadeer and how it affected the course of Muslim history. How was it that in spite of the clear instructions of the Prophet (s), so many people refused to stand up for the rights of Imam Ali? Do any of these factors exist in our communities […]

Ambition: Finding Balance In An Unbalanced World!

Our Noor Collective weekly programming is back Alhamdullillah. Join us this week as we explore the concept of ambition through the lens of the Ahlul Bayt (a). What was the correct perspective which those closest to God had when it came to living an ambitious life. Why is it so difficult for us to find […]

The Death of the Prophet: What Really Happened?

When we look at the life of the Prophet, we see that he was able to change the course of human history in a very short period of time. Join us this week, as we go into what happened during the last few weeks of his life and how those events changed the destiny of […]

The Life and Death of the Holy Prophet Part 2

When we look at the life of the Prophet, we see that he was able to change the course of human history in a very short period of time. Join us this week, as we go into what happened during his life and how those events changed the destiny of the Muslim community forever. Schedule: […]

Prophetic Positivity

Join us Friday as we go over the akhlaq of the Prophet (s). Was the Prophet more of an optimist, a pessimist, or a realist? How do holding such perspectives affect us in our lives today? And finally, what are some examples of how the Prophet would show and implement his attitude in the early […]

A Look at 5 Allegations against the Prophet (s)

Join us this week as we go into 5 allegations mentioned against the Prophet (s). These include some of the most controversial aspects of Islam according to non-Muslims. Do these allegations have any validity and how can we best defend Islam when they are brought up? Schedule: 7:00pm PST: Speech/Q&A Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82029323922?pwd=RU5xZHh5Vkg5MWpRaXVUZEo2U2JXUT09 Password: 336509 […]

A Look at 5 Allegations against the Prophet (s) Part 2

Join us this week as we go into 5 allegations mentioned against the Prophet (s). These include some of the most controversial aspects of Islam according to non-Muslims. Do these allegations have any validity and how can we best defend Islam when they are brought up? Schedule: 7:00pm PST: Speech/Q&A https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82518373264?pwd=d2t0c3ZaR084blhCQjRTenBiS3Judz09 Meeting ID: 825 1837 […]