7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111

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The Virtues of Amirul Mumineen [PBUH]

Noor Collective 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, San diego

Join us this week as we celebrate the birthday of Imam Ali by taking a look at his many virtues. We will also discuss why the people of that Era were not willing to follow him, in spite of the clear evidence which they saw. Schedule: 7:30PM-9:00PM PST time: Speech / Q&A Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81130830566?pwd=YUp5Z2tBYktBdmowbzN2Mmo4eGVOUT09 […]

What Happened In The Final Months of the Holy Prophet’s [PBUH] Life? Final Part

Note: Our program this week will only be available online. In this week's program, Seyed Ali will be going over the events that unfolded in the final months and years of the Holy Prophet's life and the ramifications of what occurred. This will  be the final part of this lecture series. Schedule: 7:30PM PST: Speech/Q&A by […]

Humility – The Key In Our Journey Towards Allah

Note: Our program this week will only be available online. In this session, Seyed Ali will speak about the role which humility plays in our relationship with Allah, as well as our relationship with others. How can we use this characteristic of humility to better ourselves and open the doors of Paradise... Schedule: 7:30PM PST: Speech/Q&A […]

The Companions of Saturday – A Look At How We Are All Connected

During this week's session, Seyed Ali will go over the Quranic story of the "Companions of Saturday." Who were these people and what did they do that was so important that Allah spoke about them in the Quran? This story is key to understanding the interconnectedness of society and how everything we do has consequences […]

Preparing Ourselves for the Month of Ramadhan

Ramadhan is nearly upon us. In this week's program, Seyed Ali will be going over a few ways we can prepare ourselves for the Holy Month. Schedule: 7:30PM PST: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82780130563?pwd=ZFRraE50c3hlY1BGR05LTlgydlZodz09 Password: 460286 Meeting Id:  827 8013 0563

Preparing Ourselves for the Month of Ramadhan Part 2

In our final program before the month of Ramadhan, Seyed Ali will be going over the rules related to fasting. Please come with any questions you may have... Schedule: 7:30PM PST: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87132886861?pwd=ejkvOXJsaVNpUE8ybzkvanNYaEgrQT09 Password: 967362 Meeting Id: 871 3288 6861

Imam Jafar Sadiq — A Life Beautifully Lived

This week's program is online only: Join us during this week's program as we explore some important, but often undiscussed aspects of the Imam's life. In light of the Imam's legacy of gaining and spreading knowledge, what have we got right and what have we missed. In addition to Imam Sadiq's legacy of spreading knowledge, […]

Imam Jafar Sadiq — A Life Beautifully Lived Part 2

This week's program is online only: Join us during this week's program as we continue going over the often undiscussed aspects of Imam Jafar Sadiq's life. Schedule: 7:00PM PST: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83038376169?pwd=aW1LcUgyTUpQbWkzZUo3dHk0ZHp6dz09 Password: 983316 Meeting Id: 830 3837 6169

The Life of Imam Ridha (a)


This week's program is online only: Join us this week, as we dive into some aspects of the life of Imam Ridha (a). Why was Imam Ridha (a) chosen by Ma'mun to be his successor? More shockingly, why does the Imam continuously refuse this position but then accept it in the end? What is the […]