7969 ENGINEER RD #110, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111

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There will be NO program this Friday November 27th. Inshallah, we will begin again next week on Friday December 4th.

What Happened In The Final Months of the Holy Prophet’s [PBUH] Life Part 4?

Noor Collective 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, San diego

Note: Our program this week will be both available online and in person at the Imam Ali Masjid. In this week's program, Seyed Ali will be going over the events that unfolded in the final months and years of the Holy Prophet's life and the ramifications of what occurred. Schedule: 7:30PM: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online […]

Prescriptions for Health from the Ahlul Bayt (a)

Noor Collective 7969 ENGINEER RD #110, San diego

This week, we will be taking a look at recommendations from the Prophet and his Holy Household on how to strengthen ourselves physically, emotionally, and psychologically. This is an important topic in light of what is going on around the world today. Schedule: 7:30PM PST : Speech/Q&A Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89007087107?pwd=aFhhblZNKzdBZ2lsNHNTU0VWaDB0dz09 Meeting ID: 890 0708 7107 […]

What Happened In The Final Months of the Holy Prophet’s [PBUH] Life? Part 5

Note: Our program this week will only be available online. In this week's program, Seyed Ali will be going over the events that unfolded in the final months and years of the Holy Prophet's life and the ramifications of what occurred. Schedule: 7:30PM PST: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85467652079?pwd=c0RDRUpOL0RpaWZmRDNnODVGVTNXQT09 Password:  703196 Meeting Id: […]

A Deeper Look at the (Real) Life of Jesus (PBUH)

Note: Our program this week will only be available online. Join us this week as we take a look at the (Real) Life of Jesus (a). We will look at parts of life including his simple living, his compassion for the poor, as well as his opposition to the tyrants of his time. Schedule: 7:30PM PST: […]

Week 1: Remembering Fatimatu Zahra (a) through a Discussion on the Reality of Death

Note: Our program this week will only be available online. In this week's program, we will be remembering the daughter of the Holy Prophet through a discussion on the reality of death. Schedule: 7:30PM PST: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84532827359?pwd=Y20yQUcvMVhmWGhldFNMTkZKQnU0Zz09 Password:  520536 Meeting Id: 845 3282 7359

Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour: Remembering the Lady Fatimah (a)

We are honored to have Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour speaking this week on the Lady Fatimah . Shaykh Mahdi Mohammadpour is a PhD student at Georgetown University and a graduate of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, where he studied traditional Islamic studies with a focus on fiqh, theology, and philosophy. Schedule: 7:30PM-9:00PM PST time: Speech / […]

What Happened In The Final Months of the Holy Prophet’s [PBUH] Life? Part 6

Note: Our program this week will only be available online. In this week's program, Seyed Ali will be going over the events that unfolded in the final months and years of the Holy Prophet's life and the ramifications of what occurred. Schedule: 7:30PM PST: Speech/Q&A by Seyed Ali Online Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85467652079?pwd=c0RDRUpOL0RpaWZmRDNnODVGVTNXQT09 Password: 176975 Meeting Id: […]

Toxic Family Gatherings With Sheikh Mahdi Rastani

This will be an online only program.  We're honored to have Shaykh Mahdi Rastani from Dallas, Texas speaking this Friday Feb 5th and Friday Feb 12th. Shaykh Mahdi Rastani was born and raised in the US. After finishing high school, he spent 9 years studying at the Islamic Seminary before returning back to the US.  […]

Toxic Family Gatherings With Sheikh Mahdi Rastani Part 2

This will be an online only program.  We're honored to have Shaykh Mahdi Rastani from Dallas, Texas speaking on Friday Feb 12th. Shaykh Mahdi was born and raised in the US. After finishing high school, he spent 9 years studying at the Islamic Seminary before returning back to the US.  He is currently assisting a […]